Reduce pressure on care providers

Syntilio reduces the pressure on healthcare by facilitating personal and efficient unplanned care. Syntilio supports (regional) collaboration and activates the entire (formal and informal) care network.

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Empowering Care Organisations Remotely Care for 24.700+ Connected Patients

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The backbone of any successful and coherent client/patient experience is data interoperability.

i.e. Creating a new qualifying client in Syntilio creates it in your ECD or your Tele-monitoring app (or vice versa) 

Making sure the right data is in the right place at the right time.

DataHub guarantees your clients' data stays in sync.



Integration between Syntilio and your IoT devices for remote monitoring of both devices and clients

Client monitoring (smart sensors, medication support, video calling, etc...) and Device monitoring (battery, online state, malfunctions, etc…).

Regional and cross segment cooperation, Routing of events, Case handling, Triage questionnaires, Asset registration, and data synchronisation; all in Syntilio



A secure, user-friendly video calling app created specifically for healthcare, both acute and planned, enabling remote consultations and patient monitoring.

It integrates seamlessly with CareHub, ensures confidentiality, and boosts patient satisfaction through its intuitive design.



The platform of choice for patient centric and efficient remote care centres


Insight Driven Triage

For every care request, the platform provides a 360º client view where you see all relevant data. This helps in determining urgency, making a well-informed decision, and deploying care in the community only when it is truly necessary.


Appropriate and fast follow-up

The platform provides access to both the formal and informal care network of the client. This way you can quickly organise the most appropriate follow-up directly with the client through loved ones or volunteers if possible, or through professional care if necessary.


Less administration

Both triage and the organised care follow-up are automatically recorded. This means less administration for your team, and a client file that is always up to date.


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Combining Salesforce's cutting-edge CRM and Service Management technology with Syntilio's healthcare deep knowledge, we created an innovative, powerful platform designed to enhance patient care and streamline healthcare operations.



A strategic alliance leveraging Growitivity's FrontOfficeVoorDeZorg and the Syntilio Platform to redefine healthcare administration, ensuring a smoother patient journey and optimised care delivery.



Nedap Ons is the leading ECD for VVT and home care in the Netherlands. Syntilio delivers the right data from Ons at the right time, within the right context for triage and coordination. For streamlined collaboration between the remote nurse and those on the road.



The Nuts Foundation is a network of suppliers who work together to ensure seamless exchange of data in healthcare. Syntilio uses open standards, and as a member of the Nuts community, contributes to its further development.

Why Us

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Syntilio optimizes triage and care coordination. Within one care organization or as a key part of regional, cross-functional healthcare collaboration. Syntilio enables effective and efficient coordination. And keeps remote healthcare close and personal.

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We believe in the power of hybrid care

As a team with a passion for healthcare innovation, we have the ambition to optimally support healthcare professionals. To keep patients and healthcare professionals close to each other, specially when providing hybrid and remote care.


Together we bring extensive knowledge and experience in digitalisation, operations optimisation, transformation and data-driven improvement. Knowledge we have gained in various sectors and have specifically applied to healthcare for the last 10 years.